Friday, 7 October 2011

Assessment Week

Dear Parents and children,

This week has yet again flown by and actually the cooler temperatures were more than welcome in our classrooms!

Just to let you know that the children have been set two piece of homework to hand in on Monday. The first one was Science on Food Chains and the second one was preparation for next week's DT activities.

We understand that assessments can be somewhat stressful for some children and for this reason we try to compensate by organising "hands on" activities next week, in the afternoons. The children have been asked to come to school on Monday morning with the following: flexible cardboard with which to make their shelters, 2 empty cereal boxes, a roll of kitchen foil, a roll of sellotape/masking tape and doll house furniture if available. With this, they will be making Anderson shelters as well as various WWII planes (English, German, American and Japanese).

The children have been given a rough timetable for their assessment next week but the latter is subject to change. Should their be a change, the children will be notified. For example, it is likely that they will be doing their short writing and spelling assessment on Thursday and Science on Friday.

The children have also been told that there will be no homework set during the week next week as enough will be expected of them as it is. However, if some wish to revise areas of literacy, Maths or science on Samlearning, it is entirely optional.

Many thanks for your support and cooperation,

The Year 6 Team.