Friday, 23 November 2018

Another busy week :-)

Well done year 6 for another busy week. Don't forget we have History Off the Page in 2 weeks (Tuesday 4th December) and everyone needs to come dressed up in WW2 costumes - hopefully you have some great ideas already. :-)

This week the children had their heights and weights measured and completed some questionnaires for the national statistics.

In English, we have been looking at the use of persuasive language and extending our sentences with the use of fronted adverbials and extended noun phrases. We are reminding the children about re-reading and editing their work carefully to always finish with their best piece and have been introducing editing stations to help them to focus in on specific skills. Please continue to encourage them to read as much as possible at home and discuss texts with them.

In maths, we are now looking at fractions and checking our understanding before applying our skills to some word problems and open ended tasks. Encourage your child to discuss fractions with you in their general day - for example, If there was half of our cake left and we share the rest between the three of us, what fraction have we had of the original cake?

Next Saturday (1st December) is the Christmas Fair. Hopefully if your child is running a stall they are all ready but if they still need anything we are happy to help. Looking forward to seeing you all there :-)

Following on from Anti-Bullying Week here are some websites you might like to look at with your son / daughter:

CBBC website:
Beat Bullying:

Many thanks
The Year 6 Team

Saturday, 3 November 2018

PE Overview

Mrs Tizard has asked us to give you an overview of the PE curriculum in year 6 for 2018-2019.

Autumn 1 - gymnastics / football - rugby
Autumn 2 - gymnastics / netball
Spring 1 - dance / indoor athletics
Spring 2 - gym display / hockey - rugby
Summer 1 - athletics / cricket
Summer 2 - athletics / rounders - tennis

Each class will do the 8 minute run in each half-term and look to beat their personal best.
An inter-house competition will be held at the end of each activity.
Everyone will take part in The World Cup Football Festival and Sports Day.