In Maths, we have moved onto our Calculation unit where we are practising our skills within addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. At home, it would be great if you could work on these skills using the column method as well as practising mental strategies where you look at what column the number would fit in to and add mentally eg. 345,672 + 20,006. It would also be great to remind children about using decimals with the different operations (+ - x ÷) too.
In English, we are moving on to our Biography unit where children are using their writing skills to write about someone famous and discuss their lives. Test your children out: can they tell you what a relative clause is? Can they give you an example of active and passive voice? :-)
In Science, we have been loving our Electricity unit and testing our circuits as well as conducting our own investigations: take a look at what we've done!
Please ask your children about their costumes for our assembly next week. We will be performing to you on Friday 6th September at 9am.
Gautham & Ollie S – Suit/shirt and tie (smart)
George – shirt and tie (smart)
Girls – school pinafores/shorts & white t-shirt
Boys – white t-shirt, shorts/trousers & flat caps
(old-fashioned - if you have them) & sweater vest jumper too, if you have
Family – dress like your character would (but remember we are
in the past, not modern day)
We are asking for these in for TUESDAY 3rd OCTOBER please.
Don't forget to encourage the children with Times Tables Rockstars at home, it really is such an important skill to be practising regularly.
Also, a huge congratulations to our House Captains and Head Girl and Boy.
Have a lovely weekend together,
Mrs Bath, Mrs Williams, Mrs Carter, Mrs Morris and Mrs Magadah :-D