Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Merry Christmas and thank you

It has been a busy but enjoyable few weeks in school, with Christmas productions, dinners and parties being just three of all of the wonderful activities that we have been engaged in.

Amongst all of the festive activities, we have continued to work hard in all subjects with English groups finishing their work on speeches and doing some independent writing connected with Christmas.  In topic we have finished our work on World War II and next term we will begin a new topic on the Ancient Greeks.  Watch out for a creative holiday homework connected to the Greeks!

This morning the children have finished the term by creating some lovely Christmas decorations using their knowledge of circuits.  See below for some examples of their work.  We were amazed by the creativity and quality of their designs.  Well done to all.

Finally, the year 6 team would like to say thank you very much for all of the wonderful gifts and cards that you and your children have brought into school for us. We have really enjoyed teaching all of the children this term and hope that you all have a lovely holiday.

See you in 2017!

The year 6 team