Friday, 30 September 2016

Last week - rather than this week!

This week, year 6 have been voting for school council. The school councillors this year, are William W and Ella M from Elm and Gabriel B and Katie S from Elder.

We have also been watching some head boy and head girl presentations in class. Some children have been chosen to present in assembly to the whole-school. Votes for Head boy and Head girl will take place on Thursday.

Year 6 have also been training to go down to the Infants to play with them , this is led by Mrs Tizard.

In English, Mrs Morris's group have been looking at autobiographies. Mrs Carter's group have been learning how to build tension. Miss Clement's group have been writing stories about pictures that talk. Mrs Wellham's group have also been looking at talking pictures.

In Jigsaw, we have been talking about issues around the world, how we feel about them and what we could do to help.

Next week, we are looking forward to finding out about the new sports captains! Don't forget it's European Day of Languages on Monday and we will be learning Spanish for the afternoon. Also, individual and sibling photos will be taken on Tuesday.

By Inaki and Ali (Elm)

Friday, 16 September 2016

Hello, Crabtree parents and children. This week, year 6 and the rest of the school had a great day, dressing up as Roald Dahl characters. We did a collection of fun filled activities including:  dream poems and put them on jars for our hall display, a Q+A on Roald Dahl to learn more about the man and his life and last but not the least


 We all made revolting recipes and shared them with the class. Some were really revolting but the most revolting out would be Louis with the extremely spicy cake.

The teacher from each year picked winners from their classes for the most creative fancy dress. In Elder, Katie won with her Grandpa Joe which was very realistic.


Thank you for listening written by Ben! And Oren! Elder










Friday, 9 September 2016

Our first week by Katie and Ella

Yr6 Blog


Hello, this is Katie and Ella, we have been asked to blog for this action-packed week.



This week the teachers have been challenging us with some hard English and maths lessons. Miss Clements, Mrs Wellham, Mrs Renier, Mrs Carter and Mrs Morris have been teaching us about place value. We’ve been using our knowledge to answer some extremely hard questions. In English, we have been covering SPAG and word types, including editing our work.




Yr6 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go on this amazing trip all about the coding in World War Two. While we were there, we went in some small huts with rooms in. Inside the rooms were typewriters, bags, enigma machines and coding paper. The other half of the exciting day we listened to a lady tell us about the role of code breaking in WW2. Finally, we went to the gift shop and bought some cool things.