Friday, 10 October 2014

Roald Dahl Spectacular!

We have had another great week in year 6.

In English we have been looking at descriptive language and have been considering how to use our writer's tools to describe settings and characters.  The children have also been using their literacy skills in their topic work - writing diary entries describing a night in an air raid shelter.

In science, the children have been exploring forces - thinking about the difference between weight and mass and, in Elder, have begun to draw diagrams to represent different forces acting upon objects.

The week ended with a day of celebration today.  It was wonderful to see the children in such wonderful Roald Dahl inspired outfits - thank you for your support in this.  In Elm the children were pitted table against table in a Jumbo Roald Dahl quiz and then set about making aeroplanes from WW2 (some of which Mr Dahl himself may have flown).  Elder were in the ICT suite completing some computing work and then found time for their own Roald Dahl activities back in the classroom.

This weekend's homework is a little different.  The children have received a note asking them to take a photograph of a favourite place in Harpenden and to save it onto a memory stick to bring into school.  This is part of our work in computing where we are embarking upon our ambitious project of planning (and hopefully, designing and making) our own apps.  We have already looked at the functionality of smart phones and considered how GPS works!

Have a lovely weekend.

The year 6 team.