Friday, 23 September 2011

Yet another week at Crabtree...

Yet another week at Crabtree in Year 6 and yes, it has really flown by.

The children have well and truly got into their WWII topic this week exploring the main events of the war, locating Britain's allies on maps of 1940 Europe and even re-enacting Chamberlain's war declaration on the wireless. We also had a chance to introduce Charlie Chaplin and clips of some of his films including the famous "Great Dictator" was great to see how, a century later, the little man with the funny walk still manages to make children and adults alike laugh.

The children also produced their group biographies this week and some have had a chance to present their work in front of an audience. Next week, they will be planning and writing biographies on the person they interviewed over the summer. We can't way to see the outcome!

Our first science experiment involving flying parachutes in the classroom also proved interesting...the children definitely enjoyed their 1st lesson on air resistance...let's see what happens when we ask them to make their own streamlined airplanes in a couple of weeks!

We would also like to let you know that the children's Maths homework was set on SamLearning today. We made sure they knew their password and that the children who had problems logging in were given paper copies of the homework. Miss Renier's Maths group was reminded that the expectation is for them to spend 30 mins on their homework. Any additional time spent is optional. This is due on Monday, along with their biography notes.

Before we wish you a great weekend, the Year 6 team would like to send out a gentle reminder about pencil cases being replenished when needed (including glue sticks)and PE kits being taken home regularly to be washed.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 6 team.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Another busy week!

This week has positively flown by. What an exciting if exhausting day was had by all on Monday at RAF Hendon, all the staff at Hendon were impressed with our coach load of evacuees.

The children learnt how to make their own gas mask box and came away with identity cards and name labels which will be used in the classroom for display before coming home.
During the classroom experience the siren sounded and the children all took cover under their desks while the waiting for the all clear to sound.

Writing with an old style pen dipped in an ink well was a challenge for most- Mme Baikie wrote beautifully in her war sized exercise book!

The sheer size and number of aeroplanes on display resulted in a considerable number of gasps of surprise.

The Aeronauts Gallery of interactive displays was a big draw with children learning about aero dynamics, the thrust required to allow a plane to take off, cargo dropping from planes and they even had the chance to go hang gliding at ground level!

Since then we have been busy learning about biographies and preparing propaganda posters for display as well as whole class posters which will appear on the Parent Association’s calendar for 2012 available we believe later this term to purchase.

The children all deserve a well earned rest this weekend. We’re looking forward to one too.
See you all on Monday.

The year 6 team

Friday, 9 September 2011

Year 6's first week back!

The end of the first week already and it really has flown by. Year 6 have begun to realise how much is expected of them in more ways than one and are rising to the new challenges being set, sometimes on a daily basis. Well done so far, keep it up!

Next week sees the exciting launch of our World War II topic. Both Miss Renier and Mrs Doran are well prepared with outfits at the ready for Monday morning. We hope you’ve all got yours prepared too.

A few reminders about the day itself:

The coach leaves school in time to reach Hendon for opening at 10:00a.m. Both classes will be experiencing a 1940’s classroom including some old style maths using pounds shillings and pence- hopefully you’ll be better than us at spending old style money. None of us being old enough to remember those days!

There will be plenty of time to look around the museum, a short film to watch, and of course time to visit the shop.

Remember to bring your packed lunch which should include a drink, but nothing fizzy. You may bring spending money up to £5.00; it should be in a named purse and wallet. You will be able to leave your bags in a safe locker so you won’t have to carry them around all day. Lunch will be inside in the lunch area so even if the weather should be inclement as they used to say in the 1940’s we won’t have our picnic spoilt.

We will be back at school ready for a 4:30p.m. pick up and a return to 2011.

See you Monday morning scrubbed and polished ready for your evacuation.

The year 6 team.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Welcome to Year 6!

Dear children and parents,

We hope you have had a fantastic holiday and are ready to start a brand new year at Crabtree. We thought we would ping this note on the blog hoping it might find some of you...

The year 6 team would like to remind the children that they need to bring a full PE kit, an art shirt and a well equiped pencil case (rubber, pencil, handwriting pen, glue stick, pencil sharperner, small ruler etc) on their very first day back.

Although the children will be notified in detailed on Monday, we would also like to warn them that they will be given homework on Monday to be due in on Wednesday. Those reading this might be able to get ahead by preparing for it this weekend! We are starting the year in literacy looking at autobiographies and in order to help the children prepare for theirs we need them do complete the following task. We would like the children to bring a shoe box or a plastic bag full of items to represent their lives. For example: pictures of them as a baby, their first ever shoe, pictures of their 1st birthday party etc. Each item needs to have a meaning about each milestone so that they can use these to make a timeline of their lives.

Finally, although a letter will be sent out on Monday, we would like to confirm that the trip to Hendon on Monday 15th is going ahead. The Year 6 team went there for a sneaky preview in July and we got very excited about what the children will be able to see. However, we have decided to extend the trip to make the most of what RAF Hendon has to offer which means we won't be back to school before 4.30pm. Some parents have very kindly volunteered already and we will be getting in touch with you shortly to confirm your attendance. If the time change means you can no longer volunteer then please don't hesitate to contact the office.

Well, that's it from us for this weekend. We can't wait to see 64 little faces on Monday! Until then, enjoy the last few days of rest!

Have a good weekend,

The Year 6 Team